Tag: Juniper


Deploying vSRX 3.0 (19.1R1) on Openstack

vSRX is the Virtual edition of Juniper’s SRX Series physical firewalls, offering same features but in a much lighter package suitable for virtual and cloud environments. vSRX 3.0 is the new architecture of vSRX that was introduced back in 18.4R1. Many features have been introduced with that architecture change, including a greatly improved boot time compared to the old one. I’m experimenting with it to demonstrate some features of Contrail, so here’s how to deploy it on Openstack environments.

Get vSRX 3.0 Image

You can download vSRX 3.0 images directly from Juniper support website here. Make sure to download the qcow2 image file. For this post, I’ll be using 19.1R1-S1.3, but procedures will likely be similar on all vSRX 3.0 releases. You can also obtain an evaluation license from here.

Create the Config File

While creating the instance, you should provide it with the configuration file that must be applied to vSRX. You can boot the instance without config though, but you would have to do everything manually after boot-up, not fun.

Configuration file must start with #junos-config which will be interpreted by cloud-init to do the deployment. The following is a sample configuration file. Password for contrail user is c0ntrail123:

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Generate Link-Local Mapping for VMs on Tungsten Fabric

Lately, I’ve been fiddling around with Juniper Contrail (Available as Upstream project: Tungsten Fabric). So, I’ll be posting about different stuff I learn about it, SDN in general, and Openstack as well.

One thing that I find myself doing often is testing connectivity between different network resources, primarily VMs. To do so, sometimes I need to test end-to-end connectivity which requires accessing the VM and initiating something as simple as a ping command to see what happens.

However, VNC Console (Or direct connectivity from my workstation towards Overlay/Virtual Networks that virtual machines are connected to may not be available. For this, I need to connect to the VM using the link-local IP address directly from the vRouter / Compute node.

I wrote a python script that uses Contrail API Introspect service to fetch info about compute nodes, then prints the info for VMs hosted on each one of them. In this example, I need to access a VM called AAP_02, so I use the script to find on which vRouter / Compute node it is hosted, then access it directly from there without needing to source Openstack credentials:

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Written with love ♥